Bindable News and Insights

The story of Policy Crusher® : Bindable’s insurance software solution

Written by Bindable | Jun 8, 2020 5:11:17 PM

In 2016, we set a goal to expand our Affinity partnerships. We were looking to create a tool to make it easier for our agents to manage and support our growing list of affinity groups.

We looked at how we could make our existing processes more efficient. At that time, our agents were logging into call center software, a customer management system, and our rater and agency management system. This became a 13-step process to quote and bind a customer in order to maintain the branded experience for our affinity groups - and that’s not counting the extra steps agents needed to take to actually obtain affinity rates. 

We began to wonder if we could improve the process. Even if we couldn’t remove all the steps, what changes could we make for a more efficient system?

Introducing: Policy Crusher, our insurance software solution

We were already working to streamline the process of getting quotes and purchasing insurance so that it was as easy as possible for the customer by creating a user-friendly insurance marketplace. As we developed more solutions, we realized we needed to reconsider the user experience for the agent as well. This challenge presented an excellent opportunity to build a new and improved solution. 

The idea of building something that lived on the back-end but improved the user experience was intriguing. It was a lot of work to integrate all the systems while also making sure that we were building something that was able to support our affinity relationships and talk to the customer front-end. After several late nights and a lot of hard work, we launched Policy Crusher.

We rolled out Policy Crusher to all of our agents, not only to support our affinity programs but also for all of our business operations.

As our agents used Policy Crusher, we realized that we had created something that could help solve similar problems in many agencies. Others saw the potential as well. One of the largest insurance carriers visited our office to see how we were managing our partnership in action. When they saw our agents using Policy Crusher, they asked if we licensed the software. 

With that, we began building Policy Crusher into a standalone software as a service (SaaS) platform to better serve our clients.

Policy Crusher today

Today, Policy Crusher is a modern, multi-product CRM - but we wouldn’t have it if we had gone the easy route. The decision to solve a complex problem the hard way has expanded our tech services from something we added onto deals into the primary growth engine of our business.

Policy Crusher supports agent quoting, cross-selling, lead management, and CRM, with robust reporting and communications modules. Features include:

  • Lead capture from the front-end site
  • Ability to quote and bind products over the phone or in person
  • User-friendly interface
  • Cloud-based technology makes it easy for agents to work remotely

We’re continually updating Policy Crusher with new features to make the insurance sales process seamless. Our agency team at Bindable relies on Policy Crusher to manage our sales and serves as our testing ground for new product features. We provide our customers with the same product we trust to run our business.

Improve your sales process with Policy Crusher

Policy Crusher is a key component of our solutions at Bindable. Carriers and brokers can enable sponsored distribution to each of their partners while their agents are able to receive and track leads. Independent agencies can launch their own white-label virtual agency with a number of ancillary products (without the hassle of multiple logins and carrier appointments). Affinity groups and brands can deliver a white-label insurance solution to their members with custom reporting and dedicated account management and support.



Contact us to learn more about how Policy Crusher can help you improve your sales process and grow your business.